The Avengers / foreword by Kevin Feige ; [dibujante], Kurt Busiek.

Super-hero teams had been around since the 1940s, but Thor, Ant Man, the Wasp, Hulk, and Iron Man broke new ground when they joined forces to form the Avengers in 1963. They not only fought together, they occasionally fought each other! The first 20 stories from the Avengers are collected in this Hu...

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Zenbakia: 805168 Liburuak (fikzioa) Komikiak
Egile nagusia: Busiek, Kurt, (1960-)
Beste egile batzuk: Feige, Kevin, (1973-) (prologuista)
Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
Argitaratua: Köln : Taschen, cop. 2022.
Deskribapen fisikoa: v. <1> : principalmente il. col. ; 40 cm
Informazioa zabaldu
Aleari buruzko argibideak Luis Gasca
Signatura: LG 50010
Alea 801217 Mailegaezina