The sailor's horn-book for the law of storms : being a practical exposition of the theory of the law of storms and its uses to mariners of all classes in all parts of the world shewn by transparent storm cards and useful lessons / by Henry Piddington.

Zenbakia: 126951 Liburuak (ez fikzioa)
Egile nagusia: Paddington, Henry
Hizkuntza: Ingelesa
Argitaratua: New York : John Wiley, 1848.
Deskribapen fisikoa: 292 p.[16] p., IV h. de map. ; 23 cm
Informazioa zabaldu
Aleari buruzko argibideak 2 --- 25
Signatura: 12250
Alea 126953 Mailegaezina